AllMyNotes Organizer - the best encrypted Any Info Mgr program for you!
AllMyNotes Organizer - we've developed the most pleasing software to manage all your Info.
Handling notes, ideas, and diaries was never been so pleasant in the past.
Intuitive, Cheering.
Our aim: only important features and simple, gorgeous appearance. Concentrate on capturing your notes instead of seeking manual.
Restrict data Access.
Your valuable access codes are safe from unauthorized access - just assign a password for your data, and All My Notes Organizer will encode it by the 1800-bit key.
Instant search. Lightning-fast database-driven storage engine. Export to Rich-Text, HTML, and simple text. Multilingual, Skined interface.
Minimum system Requirements:
Windows XP and higher versions - 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP, compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Works under Linux and Mac (Wine-like environment required).
Labels: Intuitive password protected information organizer, Private journal app for Windows, Protect diary with military grade encryption, Standalone information management tool, Structure private information.
Similar: Personal Info Mgr, Portable Diary Software for Windows, Notemaker, Keep Notes, Personal Info Mgr App for Win, Doc Mgr App for Win, TreeDBNotes replacement program for Win.